Topic (विषय)

Gita Madhurya, Bangla
Srimadbhagavadgita is an universal treatise that teaches the human being at large the Yoga of action..

Gita Madhurya, Kannada
ShrimadBhagavadGita is an universal treatise that teaches the human being at large the Yog of action..

Gita Madhurya, Oriya
Sri madbhagavadgita is an universal treatise that teaches the human being at large the Yoga of actio..

Gita Madhurya, Tamil
Sri madbhagavadgita is an universal treatise that teaches the human being at large the Yoga of actio..

Gita Maduryam, Telugu
Shrimad-Bhagavd-Gita is an universal treatise that teaches the human being at large the Yoga of acti..

Gita Padachchhed, Anvaya, Bangla
This commentary is so simple and lucid that persons not even well-read can very easily grasp its mea..