Language (भाषा)

Drops of Nectar, Oriya
The book is a beautiful collection of one thousand valuable maxims in the form of precepts gathered ..

Education From The Life Of Elders, Oriya
A graphic character sketch in a very grand manner of some great persons has been given in this..

Five Places Where God Resides, Oriya
There is a grand description of the availability of all-pervasive God through the stories of Tuladha..

Gajendramokshan-Stotram, Oriya
There has been given in this book the verses (Shlokas) of Gajendra Moksha as extract from Srimadbhag..

Gita Dainandini Diary 2025, Oriya
Gita diary of calendar year 2025 in Oriya. This contains shlokas of BhagvadGita on every page...

Gita Madhurya, Oriya
Sri madbhagavadgita is an universal treatise that teaches the human being at large the Yoga of actio..

Gita Padachchhed, Anvaya, Oriya
This commentary is so simple and lucid that persons not even well-read can very easily grasp its mea..

Gita Prabodhani, Oriya
Shrimad-Bhagvad-Gita is the divine discourse of Bhagwan Shri Krishna spreading light for a purposefu..